Shandoor Bohat Door (Shandoor - A place far away) - P6

After exploring "Golaghmuli village" early in the morning, my hunger made me find my way back to the hotel. “Anda-Paratha-Chai” was a perfect typical combination of breakfast served in the bright sunshine. It was expected to be a hot day, and the terrain to "Langar" was not expected to be friendly either. Dry and dusty mountains with steep ascents having no sign of trees were waiting for us. I was already exhausted in the rough and tough day when we reached Teru.

Group picture with our hosts at "Shandur Guest House"
Group picture with our hosts at "Shandur Guest House" 
The breakfast in the bright sunshine in Shandur Guest House.
The breakfast in the bright sunshine in Shandur Guest House.

There was a small Govt rest house where we finally found some shade and rest. There was no time for lunch here, the place looked abandoned and we could only get a soft drink to kill our thirst. We needed to go on.

Dusty road and rough mountain with no shade on the way to Langar.
Dusty road and rough mountain with no shade on the way to Langar. 
I had to stop to take an overview of Golaghmuli that we left behind us.
I had to stop to take an overview of Golaghmuli that we left behind us.
Happy faces in the village of Barsat.
Happy faces in the village of Barsat. 

Finally, some signs of clouds when we reached Barsat village. The unpaved road added a great deal of difficulty and with consistent bumps, I was getting tired quickly. In the evening, the wind got cold; due to this, I started having a headache and fever. This was not the time to lose, we had to reach Langar before the sunset and rest. There was a time when I thought to set up the camp before Langar but my companion motivated me that I can do that.

Crossing Barsat village on the way to Langar
Crossing Barsat village on the way to Langar

I was exhausted and tired and was not feeling very well when I reached Langar and straight away, I want to my camp for rest. There were other people also, who came fishing at Langar. Realizing we were cycling all the way from Gilgit, they offered us Trout fish which they were frying. Indeed a delicious fish!!

The police checkpoint where we needed to register ourselves before moving on
The police checkpoint where we needed to register ourselves before moving on
The Road, just arriving Langar
The Road, just arriving Langar
We are at Langar.
We are at Langar. 

We could not join them for late dinner and gossips and go to the camps for the rest. It was going to be a big day tomorrow, as we had to climb the Shandur Top.

A cold evening at Langar
A cold evening at Langar
Peaceful and cold langar at sunset.
Peaceful and cold langar at sunset. 
We found some company at langar where we camped for overnight.
We found some company at langar where we camped for overnight. 

I was not feeling very well in the morning to attempt the toughest day of the trip. “Let’s Do It” was the call from my companion with a light breakfast We set off for Shandur Top. “What is this?” I stopped and Asked Ifzaal. Of course, it was not going to be a paved road, but look, huge stones all the way up to the steep hill. I was sweating a lot while pushing up with the cold morning wind hitting my face. I was not feeling very well. Definitely, the toughest day of the trip. I stopped-and-pushed many times during the ascent and finally reached Shandur top at noon.

We Did It!! This is Shandoor top!
We Did It!! This is Shandoor top!
All it came to an end, taking rest in the Polo ground Shandoor.
All it came to an end, taking rest in the Polo ground Shandoor. 

We finally posed in front of the Shandur Lake and hugged each other for the great accomplishment of our lives. We could not reach Chitral, but we did not regret it, climbing up to Shandur was something we could be proud of ourselves. This was going to be remembered for the rest of our lives as a great story to tell. This added another success story to our lifeline. Alhamdulliah!

In front of Shandoor Lake, Shandoor Bohat Door.
In front of Shandoor Lake, Shandoor Bohat Door.


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"Shandoor Bohat Door (Shandoor - A place far away)" (PART-1 / PART-2 / PART-3 / PART-4 / PART-5)
- Content and Photos by Author.

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