Revisiting the Memories : UOG

A December’s cold morning brought few class fellows back to University which they graduated four years ago. Time passed so quickly when they switched from student to professional life.

Academic blocks of UOG
Academics blocks of UOG

I wish I have it all back...

A December’s cold morning brought few class fellows back to University which they graduated four years ago. Time passed so quickly when they switched from student to professional life.

I have never been able to revisit University of Gujrat (UOG) ever since I have graduated. Four years have been passed and recently I have had this overwhelming feeling of wanting to visit it where I could meet and revisit the memories that were spent together with our class fellows (BS-F07-CSIT).

Empty roads early morning in Gujrat city
Empty roads early morning in Gujrat city
Welcome to Gujrat city
Welcome to Gujrat city
Early morning view in Gujrat city
Early morning view in Gujrat city
College students want their photo to be taken. Gujrat
College students want their photo to be taken. Gujrat
Local juice stall in Gujrat City
Local juice stall in Gujrat City
Starting the day with the news
Starting the day with the news
Local kids starting their day
Local kids starting their day
Getting late for the train early in the morning was the first thing which indicated I was back in the time once for a while. Getting ready real fast and skipping the breakfast are some of the habits in student life which I experienced on the start of the day. The alternative plan to reach Gujrat city went pretty well and we reached there at 10a.m. The familiar city hardly changed from how it looked four years ago. The roads, the traffic, the transport and the people all seemed like before. The most interesting thing was the bus we took from city to reached the University; People were in hurry and the bus was populated as it passed within the city. It dropped us near our university UOG.
UOG Couple of KMs away
UOG Couple of KMs away

We saw people busy in their routine work when we entered University. Gardeners were working and watering the plants, sweepers were busy collecting the autumn leaves while we walked passed them. Students were seen sitting in the big lawns of the university while others were walking themselves to their classrooms; some were busy spending their spare time at cafeteria. This all seemed familiar, none of this felt strange, this is what we used to see when we were studying here. 

Gardener working with plants
Gardener working with plants
Darbar inside UOG (Boys hostel in the background)
Darbar inside UOG (Boys hostel in the background)
1 of 7 acdamic blocks, UOG
1 of 7 acdamic blocks, UOG
Cafetaria and life at University
Cafeteria and life at University
Life at campus, UOG
Life at campus, UOG

We remembered how long days felt in student life, working on the assignments, preparing quizzes and exams. Stopping by cafeteria in spare time or when you feel hungry. Those are the days I miss the most. We didn't possess egos with our friends, even know what tomorrow was or have the slightest inkling as to what happened yesterday. They say that the only time you actually learn how to live in "the now" is when you were in student life. We had the very same ability, to just live, breathe and be.

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Library, UOG
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Library, UOG
Inside view of Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Library, UOG
Inside view of Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Library, UOG
Main hall of  Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Library, UOG
Main hall of  Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Library, UOG

“Students might have changed over the time, but we still miss the days we spent with the first batch of this University.” our teachers mentioned. They were so glad to see us as we laughed and remembered all those time we spend with them.


Biryani and fries from the cafeteri
Biryani and fries from the cafeteria
Walking in-front of Admin block, UOG
Walking in-front of Admin block, UOG
Trees along side of the road have grown enough
Trees along side of the road have grown enough

All the changing, upgradation in structure and improvement in study environment all did not yield we felt strangers in the middle huge students. Everything seemed familiar and improved. Once again we felt like students and forgot how our tomorrow will be, we lived in "the now" moments which was so priceless. We hope and wished one day the whole class can get together in here and enjoy the memories they have once lived, Maybe for a DAY only !!

We prayed for everyone to be happy in their practical lives and keep the BS-F07-CSIT bound stronger than ever.

Shine BS-F07-CSIT !!

Where the sunsets in University of Gujrat
Where the sunsets in University of Gujrat
Article & photos by: Author

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