Cycling on the Roof of Pakistan (Introduction)

I'm just a traveler on a bike. I'm not a cyclist & I don't want to become one either. Curiosity envelopes one’s ego and self esteem riding on bike to navigate and explore our beloved Pakistan by land. The series of blogs would take you to our journey on the rigid yet beautiful Karakorum Highway on bikes, Throughout our journey we rough it out, by living the ultimate dream of any adventure lover.

Our country, Pakistan has huge potential of tourism; friendly people of our country makes the area more beautiful and memorable. I just could feel the unqualified thrill and robust enthusiasm permeating from my inner soul that for every stopover I make I have to unfold many hidden natural geographical beauty of our land. The main advantage of ridding on a bicycle is one could get ample time to peruse and document ordinary as well as extraordinary landscape. The unceasing inner will to deliver and share the beauty of our beloved Pakistan is worth the reckoning in tourism assets.

Cycling along the countryside provides unlimited opportunities and familiarity with the local people and regional culture, tradition, history and diversified cuisine practices. Interacting with the local populace make one no stranger to their culture. There local folks provide voluntary kind acts of assistance which make countryside cycling  an adventure for a “perfect holiday”.

Attabad Lake, Hunza.
Attabad Lake, Hunza

Cycling Tour Itinerary

Day Description Overnight Camp/Hotel
Day1 Took bus from Lahore to Rawalpindi, Night Stay in Rawalpindi Hotel    
Day2-Day3 Took bus from Rawalpindi to Gilgit, Hotel stay in Gilgit Bus-Hotel
Day4 Cycle Trip from Gilgit to Jutal, Camp in Jutal Camp, Jutal
Day5  Cycle Trip from Jutal to Rakaposhi View point Hotel, Rakaposhi view point
Day6 Cycle Trip to Pissan Valley Nagar, Trek to Rakaposhi along with Pissan Glacier Local house in Pissan
Day7 Cycle Trip from Pissan, Nagar to Hunza (Aliabad) Camp, Duikher
Day8 Cycle Trip from Duikher, Hunza to Attabad Camp, Attabad
Day9 Cycle + Boat Trip from Attabad to Passu Village, Gojal Hotel, Sirai Silk Route, Passu
Day10 Cycle Trip from Passu to Sost Hotel, Park Hotel, Sost
Day11 Moto Bike tour to Khunjrab Pass Hotel, Park Hotel, Sost
Day12 Took bus from Sost to Hunza (Aliabad) Hotel, Hunza Continental Hotel, Aliabad



Thanks to all my friends and family with whom prayers this trip was made possible.

Google Map

Read Next ...

"Cycling on the Roof of Pakistan"(PART-i (Introduction)  PART-1 / PART-2 / PART-3 / PART-4 / PART-5)
- Content and Photos by Author..


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