Mysterious Kalash - The Story Untold

A lot has been said and written about the ever mystic people of Kalash. Their

origin, their unique traditions, language and clothes have been the favorite

subject of many national and international documentaries.

For the first time this keychain films production aims to explore them as human

beings. What are their problems? The status of health, education, infrastructure

etc. Keychain films has filmed their lives and heard their voices, while Kalash

Indigenous Survival Program faces a great challenging question. Can their lives

be improved without hurting their fragile culture and tradition? The film had

selected at the Kara International Film Festival.


People & Blogs


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Autumn: The changing colors of Galiyat

28 Dec

Autumn: The changing colors of Galiyat

Awais Jibran | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Get NOC for Karambar Lake

05 Jul

Get NOC for Karambar Lake

Awais Jibran | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Kabuli Pulao an Afghan cuisine (recipe)

24 Oct

Kabuli Pulao an Afghan cuisine (recipe)

Sadia Khalid | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa